Our impact on nature, whether it’s positive or negative, depends on the way we learn about it and interact with it. In today’s time of climate catastrophe, water crisis and vanishing ecosystems, every attention must go towards reimagining the role of school education to take care of our changing planet so that our impact is as much positive as possible. For that, we need to first slow down. Nature journaling is simple medium for this. Not only does it help children connect with nature and introduce them to nature around us, it also helps children becomes mindful and empathetic.
When one of the best wildlife artists Sangeetha Kadur opened her treasure box with our Fellows, little did we know that they would immediately start to pause and observe. And they lead to questions. Is it seasonal? What’s the flower called? Why is it attached to a flower? What’s it called? Is it edible? When does it grow? What insects feed on them? Who pollinates them?
Suddenly a realisation sets in, “There is so much around us that we don’t see.”
The core philosophy is, “when it comes to sketching, you see it a lot better.”
Thank you so much Sangeetha Kadur for making time for our Earth Ambassadors, instilling confidence in them to journal nature, introducing them to birdwatching and encouraging them to facilitate nature journaling sessions in their schools.