Founder's Note
The moment we hear the word Nature, something deep within us is evoked. Images of forests, greenery, birds, and butterflies flash before us. They kindle joy, calmness, and a longing to be around them.
Yet, humanity’s indifference to the natural world has created many issues that threaten biodiversity and our lives. We are the last generation that can save our future before it’s too late. At such a time, our Planet needs every one of us to be an environmentalist in our own right. However, there is an acute scarcity of such individuals in India, where natural ecosystems are lifelines for the well-being of 1.3 billion people and magnificent wildlife.
We strongly believe that this scarcity can be turned into abundance through an Earth Educator in every school, and our generation must realise it through determination, courage, and imagination.
Our work is designed to change the practice and narrative of environmental education; from a system that spreads awareness to one that enables action. We are committed to being on this path, taking one step at a time, by implementing short-term and long-term experiential learning programs that inspire, empower and nurture students, youth, and teachers to become environmentalists. This vision is impossible to realize without the support of hundreds of people who believe in a greener environment. Let us make our efforts to revive the wellness of our planet and its people.
Welcome to YouCAN. We invite you to join us on this journey and enrich it!
With gratitude,
Rachita and Ramnath
Founders, Youth Conservation Action Network (YouCAN)